About us

Musculoskeletal conditions and persistent pain are associated with the largest disease burden. The traditional focus in Musculoskeletal Health has been on conditions such as low back pain and neck pain. Although crucially important and also a focus of our research, many other conditions, such as spinal cord injury, also have a profound impact on Musculoskeletal Health and often result in persistent pain. We therefore have a broad research focus, including traditional musculoskeletal conditions, but also neurological conditions and systemic conditions, such as diabetes, and interventions that have important side effects on the musculoskeletal system and may cause persistent pain, such as cancer and cancer treatment. Peripheral neuropathies have always been a special research interest of our group. Current projects in this area focus on diabetic polyneuropathy, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and entrapment neuropathies, such as radiculopathy.


The overarching aims of our research are (1) To better understand the pathophysiology of complex pain states, (2) To utilise this knowledge to improve the diagnosis and management of people with musculoskeletal conditions and persistent pain, and (3) To unravel the working mechanisms of successful interventions to further improve management.